
IoT & IIoT Systems

The IoT is a network of connected devices that can communicate with each other and provide data to users through the Internet. IoT devices can connect to the Internet and often have sensors that enable them to collect data. An IoT device can be useful on its own, but when you use numerous devices together, they become even more valuable.

As more types of equipment gain the ability to connect to the Internet, the IoT grows in size. The IoT includes a vast range of devices. Everything from  factory machinery to electrical substations to buildings and infrastructure can be a part of it, with the number of connected devices growing every day. Manufacturers, energy companies, city governments and a variety of other types of organizations use the IoT.

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IIoT is a subcategory of IoT. The term refers to IoT technology used in industrial settings, namely in manufacturing facilities. IIoT is a key technology in Industry 4.0, the next phase of the industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 emphasizes smart technology, data, automation, interconnectivity, artificial intelligence and other technologies and capabilities. These technologies are revolutionizing the way factories and industrial organizations are run.

IIoT can have many of the same uses and benefits that IoT can. You can integrate smart sensors into manufacturing machinery, energy systems and infrastructure such as piping and wiring. These sensors, through the data they collect and the advanced functionality they enable, can help industrial businesses to boost their efficiency, productivity, employee safety and more.